I did my first Facebook Live last week on the topic of What is Energy Healing? I’ve embedded it below. If you’d rather read than watch a video, the gist of it is included afterward.
Hello! My name is Renu Arora. I’m an energy healer who specializes in working with the subconscious and I’m the author of the upcoming book, the Energy Healing Bible which will be out really soon!
This is my first in a series of Facebook Lives, so I thought I’d start with the question What is Energy Healing?
It’s actually a tricky question to answer. It’s honestly less of a question about how to describe it as a healing modality, and more an invitation to discuss who we are as human beings.
Who or what are we? Energy healing relies on the premise that we are beings of energy living in a physical suitcase. In other words, we are a spirit in a body. Call it your essence, your soul, your divine spark or whatever you like. It’s the piece of you that lives on after your body dies.
So that is who you really are, A great big ball of energy, and its within that ball that everything about you is stored. Your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, experiences…everything. Trauma is stored there as well. Now trauma appears like pockets of static inside your energy field. Trauma is the negative energy that gets stuck – emotions or beliefs that hold us back, working against us rather than with us. So what does trauma do energetically? It impairs the flow of energy. Things don’t move as freely as they used to or should.
Just like any other system, when you get a block, it stops working well. Things are less efficient or they break down altogether. For us, this can translate to problems on an emotional level, a mental level, a spiritual level, or even a physical level. Our energy permeates all of it.
Energy healing involves removing those blocks, plain and simple. Some modalities are better with some blocks than others, but they all involve healing our issues by restoring energy flow.
So if you believe that you exist as more than the bit of grey matter between your ears – or are open to being convinced of it, then I’d love to connect with you. Like and follow me on Facebook and I’ll take you on a journey of exploration through the world of energy healing.
Thank you! Come find me next week when I talk about whether or not energy healing is right for everyone. Until then, have a fantastic day!
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