I’ve spent a lot of time coming to grips with the fact of energy healing. Trained in biochemistry, and a scientist to the core, I believed that all that was true in this world could be proved through a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. That there was logic and reason behind absolutely everything.
The New Frontier
I was right about half of it. There is logic and reason behind everything, but the basic foundation upon which so much of energy healing is based is so far unprovable. I imagine it is like being in the early days of the study of chemistry or biology. There was a time when we could reproduce chemical reactions but had no understanding of molecules, atoms, or electrons. For example, we were able to make soap for thousands of years by adding oil to a base before we figured out why the combination worked. Or how about herbal remedies to treat infections before the discovery of bacteria? Ancient Egyptians used moldy bread to treat infected wounds long before its active ingredient, penicillin, was discovered.
All of this is to say that energy healing is at the beginning stages of a new frontier. And as we begin to understand what we can achieve with these new foundational principles, we may, hopefully one day, get to a point where these foundations are no longer in question. Because right now, to be quite honest, the fact that we “see” or “believe” things about the world that the mainstream has not yet accepted, makes us look just plain crazy!
The Common Ground
Where is our common ground? How much is the mainstream willing to accept? They seem to understand the idea of “emotional baggage”: we are products of our experiences, and sometimes things happen that shake us, impacting how we see the world – what we believe, and the way we behave, think, or react. Often we don’t even know or understand what it is that has created this “programming” we follow, but we know something happened.
So they can get behind hypnosis. Connect directly with the subconscious and change the program. Or counselling – discover the connection so we may consciously work toward letting the past go.
Where the Crazy Begins
So far so good. Here’s where the “crazy” begins.
In my experience, hypnosis is not required in order to reprogram the subconscious. As an energy healer, I can connect directly to the subconscious without my clients “going under.” However, to explain how this works, a new foundational principle is absolutely necessary. That is: we are spiritual beings living in a physical “suitcase.” We are spirits with a body.
Mayday! Mayday! Are we starting to talk about religion??
No. We’re not. But isn’t it interesting how every single religion believes in the existence of a soul, and most of the world population believes in reincarnation? A soul is just that, the spirit that animates the body. The majority of us believe that we are more than just the physical packaging we travel in. That there is some form of divinity in the Universe. (Aside: the question I can’t help but ask is, if we can believe in the existence of God, or a higher power, why do so many of us resist believing in the divine within ourselves?)
Now take that a step further. If we do take as our basic premise that there is a soul, then as we live and breathe here on earth our purpose for existence is nothing more than to experience and to learn. To overcome the challenges we face and to grow as individuals.
Do we believe that we’re to go through this merry-go-round called life for all eternity? No. Every religion believes in an end. When your spirit has achieved everything it is going to achieve, it no longer needs to come back to Earth.
Logically for all of this to be true, there must be more spirits than there are people.
There are more souls than bodies to inhabit them. There are only so many people that can live on this planet at a time.
So what happens to the rest of them? This is the thing that makes energy healers and others who believe in energy work look like we have some missing screws…
Angels and Messages
Some spirits may take the form of angels and spirit guides. Many individuals strongly feel the presence of angels around them, seeing or hearing them, and even talking to them. Angels frequently send us messages. You’ll notice them if you’re paying attention. For example, many people, like myself, will go through phases of seeing the numbers 111 or 1111 over and over – on the clock (whether it’s the true time or flashing on a digital clock that has been reset); on invoices; or even on books that have fallen open in front of us. Personally, I’ll continue to see the numbers over and over for days until I work to decipher the message, after which it stops. Others may see different numbers repeating, which will have different meanings for them. Whatever the pattern, it most certainly is not random.
Do you know anyone who has admitted to feeling like a loved one who passed away is still “watching over them.” Often a parent or grandparent, or maybe a spouse, child, or best friend? They aren’t crazy either. I’ve met many people who receive regular signs from guardians, alerting them to their presence. From finding bunches of dimes in the oddest places to feathers where you would least expect it, guardians can be very creative in letting you know they are there. If you are one for photos, I had one individual show me photo after photo of herself where a bright point of light (referred to as orbs) was clearly visible in each when there was no rhyme or reason for being there. Always near her. She was solidly convinced that this marked her grandmother’s presence. In addition to that, I am friends with a number of mediums who are able to receive messages from these spirits and relay them to their inquiring recipients.
Yup. I have friends and acquaintances who believe in aliens, too. It makes sense, though, doesn’t it? Given the vastness of the Universe, why would spirits be limited only to planet Earth? Personally, whether they have made contact with Earth or not, is something I’m not particularly interested in. I’ve got enough to deal with on this planet without worrying about other ones.
Ghosts and Haunted Houses
Finally, there’s the weird, “unexplainable” stuff. Have you ever walked into a space – a home, an office, a mall, or other place – and just felt like something was “off”? Or noticed an area of a room in which the air feels several degrees colder than the rest? Or maybe you’ve heard voices when nobody is there? Or that no one else heard? Or things in your home have moved from where you put them, or fallen off a table without a satisfactory reason? Or an electronic device – a TV, radio, or computer – turned on or off by itself?
Nope. You’re not crazy either.
As I mentioned earlier, as spirits, we’re all here on a journey to learn and experience. Sometimes spirits had lessons to learn – something they needed to complete during their lifetimes – but for one reason or another remained unfinished and they can’t, or won’t, journey on until they do.
In just a few years time I’ve encountered many more of these than I would have imagined! And I’ve discovered that they’re actually no different from you and me (except for the whole incorporeal part). Their soul is healed in the same way as ours, and by doing so, they are able to move on. (And if you think that’s a weird sentence to read, imagine being the one who actually makes it happen! So strange!!)
On that note, if you’re interested in this topic, this and more will be found in my upcoming book on energy healing. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates, or check out my blog to know more about me and what I do.
And P.S. If you’ve got a “haunted house” of your own, please feel free to reach out to me . It’s not on my website as a service I offer – not yet, anyway (it might make me look crazy, right?) – but considering how often I’ve had to deal with this now, it might be worth considering!
Have you had an experience with other spirits? Is it similar to ones I’ve described? Or something totally different? I’d love to hear your story, so please share!
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