As much as I truly believe that all of our problems are a result of unresolved emotions or other stuck energy, the fact is that we can not – nor should not – expect that we can fix every problem solely through energy work.
This may seem obvious to you, but it recently came as a revelation to me.
You see, I’ve been fortunate to be extremely healthy for most of my life. No significant injuries or illnesses, and not that many insignificant ones when I think about it. Headaches and other aches and pains are all rare for me, too.
And frankly, for those minor aches and pains, energy healing generally seems to do the trick.
But when the physical body is in real trouble, then physical therapies need to be included.
For example, a few months ago, I started a group workout plan with my amazing personal trainer, Marco. Before we began, he did an assessment during which we discovered a problem with my left knee. I couldn’t do a squat without pain. And when we looked carefully at my positioning, we realized I couldn’t even do a squat properly – my knees bent inwards instead of straight over my feet. I knew that I would occasionally experience a twinge in my knee out of the blue (usually on the stairs, for example), but I didn’t mentally translate that as a “knee problem.” Apparently some damage had been done at some point and my body was compensating for it so I didn’t know it was even there.
The next week saw me visiting a lovely physiotherapist , Diana. It didn’t take her long to figure out I had done a number on my knee over years spending too much time sitting at my desk with my legs crossed. (Which made sense…I had never directly injured myself, and the way some muscles had shortened or lengthened was consistent with holding my legs in that position). She started me on exercises, and it was at that moment that I realized how very weak my one leg was versus the other.
That’s when it dawned on me. No amount of energy healing was going to make my muscles physically stronger. I had to do the exercises.
Just as no amount of unhooking past emotional trauma is going to make weight come off. Food quality and quantity matter.
I have been hooked on the quick fix for a while now. I love how the work I do has my clients eliminating emotional baggage amazingly quickly, allowing them to almost instantly be free of fears, phobias, anxieties and other negative emotions and beliefs that they had been carrying around, often for years.
I’m in the middle of writing my new book, and I just wrote a section where I explain how “humans are a perfect balance of the physical and the spiritual, neither one having more importance than the other. When we “live in our heads” we may perceive ourselves as purely spiritual beings, but it is the gift of a physical body that allows us to have this experience of being here on earth.”
When we resist doing the things we need to do for ourselves, like exercising or preparing a salad, then that is a signal from the subconscious that there is some emotional block needing to be addressed. However, after that it’s up to us to take care of the body we’ve been given, because nobody else is going to do it for us.
So, if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to go for a walk.
Winner of "Best Alternative Medicine/Healing" in 2020
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