One of the phrases I hear most often from my clients is "You're going to think I'm crazy, but..."
They say this because they know my office is a safe space. There is no judgement here.
They worry that if they were to say anything to their doctor or other medical professional they would immediately be recommended medication or a psychiatric appointment.
But they know the thoughts and feelings that they are experiencing aren't disruptive enough that they feel so desperate as to want to go that route. They are just...strange and uncomfortable.
Not only that, but they are afraid to be told there is something wrong with them. That what they are experiencing isn't "real." That they are broken. That it's "all in their head.'
Well, of course it's in their head! Where else would it be? It's "in our head" because that's the place where we try to make sense of our experiences.
Because we manifest our reality.
Every single thing happening in our lives is the way it is because of the thoughts, emotions, and beliefs broadcast from our subconscious mind.
Put another way, our OUTER WORLD is a perfect reflection of what is going on in our INNER WORLD.
And our inner world is extraordinary! It is magical. (And sometimes completely bizarre, too!) It is like Alice in Wonderland. Or a fantasy novel. Or science fiction. It is a place where anything is possible.
Everyone's mind works like this.
You are not the only one.
And that fantasy movie playing in your mind is exactly the information that we need so you can heal. It is the spiritual representation of what is manifesting in your 3D (physical) world..
Do you have this nagging feeling that your lack of financial success has something to do with a curse sent by your ex? You're likely correct and now we can work on undoing the curse.
Do you have a pain in your body someplace, that never sustained a physical injury, but your instinct says that your relationship with your dad has something to do with it? Then that's what we'll probably find and by tackling the relationship with your dad, that pain will go away.
Do you have a fear or phobia that you have no explanation for beyond a certainty that it is from a past life? Great! Together we'll uncover it and heal the trauma from it, and with it, your phobia.
Do you have a heaviness around your heart that feels like a thick mass of unmovable negative energy and you know there is no pill in the world that will fix it because you're sure it is a result of stuck emotions? You've come to the right place. We'll find the emotional baggage and eliminate it, leaving you feeling lighter than you have in years.
Truthfully, it doesn't actually matter if I think what you are seeing is "real." (However, in my over 10 years of healing, what I find energetically nearly always matches exactly to what my clients are envisioning - no matter how bizarre - so I believe it to be real.) What is more important, however, is that you feel like it is real.
The work we do is in your world. Your mind. If your subconscious needs to be convinced that the curse is gone, that's what we'll do. If it needs to heal that past life experience, we'll do that.
An energetic wound. A karmic contract. A cord that needs cutting. A walk-in. A soul retrieval. An alter. Whatever you sense. Whatever we find. We take it at face value.
So if there is something wrong in your outer world, I can guarantee you there is just some healing that needs to happen in your inner world. And when you know what questions to ask, and what to look for, it's not as impossible a task as you might think.
I can help you decipher your inner world. I can do this with you in the form of individual healing sessions, or I can teach you how to do this yourself - to heal yourself and others.
For just $199 (less than the cost of a single session with me!) you can join in my How to Heal From Your Past Introductory Course. There you will learn the basics of how to connect your outer world to your inner world and start healing it.
Have questions? Reach out to me via email or by booking a free discovery call with me. It would be an honour to walk with you on this journey.
Winner of "Best Alternative Medicine/Healing" in 2020
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