Last week I did a Facebook live discussing the question of whether or not energy healing is right for everyone. Check out the video or read my script below to get the gist.
Hello and welcome! Thank you for hopping on this video with me. My name is Renu Arora and I’m an energy healer specializing in the subconscious. I’m also the author of the upcoming book, “The Energy Healing Bible” which is due to come out any day now.
Today’s question is: Is Energy Healing Right for Everyone?
The answer there is a resounding: Yes and no.
There are a lot of moving parts to be looked at here. One, if you are cynical about energy healing, then no, it won’t work, so don’t even bother…I’ll explain that in a moment.
Two, there are many different types of energy healing modalities out there, and some will work better for some people than others. It depends on the person and the modality.
First, let’s talk about energy healing when there is cynicism involved. Before I get into that, you have to understand the difference between cynics and skeptics. Skeptics are the people who say things like “I don’t believe that it will work, but I’m willing to keep an open mind.” Before I got into energy work, I was definitely in the skeptic camp. My motto was “prove it to me, then I’ll believe it.” A cynic, on the other hand, has made up their mind that energy healing will not work, and is entirely closed off to the possibility. If they try it, it is for the purpose of proving themselves right. With them, I don’t even bother because honestly, it is a waste of my time. They won’t see any results because they don’t want to see them. Because it’s not safe for them.
I know, to say it’s not safe sounds pretty dramatic, so I’ll elaborate. You’ve probably heard of the concept of the “Ego.” The job of the ego is to keep us from experiencing or re-experiencing emotional pain. It’s trying to help us survive when things are tough. The way it does that is by taking on beliefs that keep us from addressing the problem. From even recognizing that there we even have a problem.
For example, imagine a person in an abusive relationship. Ask this person why he or she is staying with someone who treats them so badly, and they respond with something like “it’s not that bad.” Meanwhile, you can see from all the fighting and trauma that it really is that bad. The fact is, when the abuse started, there was the feeling that this person wasn’t going to be able to get out of it any time soon, so the ego took on some beliefs to help survive through it. Beliefs like “I don’t deserve to be happy” or “this is as good as my life will get.” Seen through those beliefs, the situation is normalized and therefore “not that bad.”
So what does this have to do with cynics? A cynic is, generally speaking, someone who is very insecure. This person has a need to be right, and the ego has decided that being shown to be wrong would be too painful to handle. So the ego will actually take steps to avoid being proven wrong. Usually, they won’t even be caught giving it a chance – they will be very adamant that it is a waste of their time, even getting angry when you suggest otherwise. And if they are pushed into it, it will literally not work. Their ego will prevent the healer from being granted access, blocking the ability to experience any kind of result. So, a cynic has to be in a very desperate state to try energy work; things have to be so bad that they just want anything to take their pain away.
That was point one. Point two has to do with the fact that there are so many flavours of energy healing out there, and some people will respond better to some than others. When you think of western medicine, some people respond well to one drug and minimally to another. It’s the same with energy work. There is Reiki, reflexology, crystals, access bars, aromatherapy, timeline therapy, and so many others including my own, The Accelerated Release Technique. Depending on your personality and beliefs, you will benefit more from some over others. So, do your homework, or just be willing to give a few a try until you find the one that’s right for you.
That’s all for today. I hope I’ve given you a little more insight into energy healing. If you enjoyed that, please like and share this post, follow me on Facebook, or you could even pre-order a copy of my book.
Be sure to catch me next time when my topic will be, what can energy healing do?
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