I certainly didn’t always. And I really don’t like the term “ghost”…it makes me think too much of the cartoon “Casper, the friendly ghost” or the translucent, floating, talking figures in the “Harry Potter” movies. I really can’t take that kind of stuff seriously.
I prefer the term “spirit.” Why? When we speak of someone’s spirit, we don’t generally associate it with something tangible. More than likely, my preference may have something to do with the fact that I don’t sense spirits in any “conventional” way. Having expanded my network to include many, many energy workers, I’ve met a surprising number who have told me that they do see or hear spirits on a regular basis. While a few years ago I would have considered that worthy of some form of psychiatric intervention, nowadays, my choice is to believe that either my new friends just happen to be significantly more energy-sensitive than I am, or that I should be checking myself in somewhere with padded walls. The choice was made easy after the following event took place.
I’m going to call this Episode 1 of the Weird Files.
A long-time client of mine came to me with a request regarding a friend of hers, whom I’ll call Anne. Apparently they had moved into their new home just over a year previously, but since the move, Anne’s 9 year-old son had been having a lot of distress when it was bedtime because he said “people” would visit him all night and keep him awake. My client asked me if I might be able to help.
My thought: So is the kid crazy, or are there actually ghosts in the house?
Now I’d heard of people cleansing their homes of negative energy using various rituals – burning sage and such – but I can’t say I thought much about it. However, I knew my business partner, Helen, would have some idea. Correct in my assumption, Helen did have some wisdom regarding getting rid of spirits from the house which I relayed. Unfortunately none of it worked. So, we were asked if we would be willing to come in and see what we could do. Intensely curious, we agreed to try.
Oh my God. Yes, we were seriously going out to be Ghostbusters.
The first thing we did was go up to the kid’s bedroom. Helen walked in first and immediately walked out. As energy-sensitive as she is, whatever it was in there nearly knocked her out…she came out of the room nauseous with her head spinning. As a result, I was tasked with analyzing the room, because, as I’ve mentioned before, I have absolutely no “sixth sense” about this stuff at all. I didn’t feel a thing.
So how did I analyze it? Dowsing rods. If you don’t know what they are, I suggest you read up on them. They are incredible tools that have been used for thousands of years. Hydro workers use them to this day to accurately locate sources of groundwater. Using a pair of dowsing rods specially attuned to human energy frequencies, I scanned the empty room. The rods went crazy! Any time I pointed the rods at certain points of the room, they would swing out rapidly; I used them to scan the next bedroom and nothing happened. Very strange. For sure there was something bizarre going on in that kid’s room!
Without getting into too many details, we figured out that the spot where there was the most activity with my dowsing rods was a particular electrical outlet in the room. Helen surmised that that was where “they” were getting in…it was so intense it was like they were being pulled in.
That got us (okay, Helen…I was totally out of my element!) thinking. She suspected that someone in the house was acting as a magnet for them. We went back to chat with the family and did some energy tests on the family members. Again, for the sake of brevity, we discovered that the dad was particularly energy sensitive…but in his case, it didn’t mean that he was seeing ghosts himself, more like whenever he would park under a street lamp, it would burn out! Strange things would happen to him whenever electricity (aka energy) was concerned.
This was where I could do my thing :). We identified that he had an “intolerance” to various forms of electricity, and then using Trigger Release, we were able to eliminate his intolerance. Once that was done, we went back to the room and, amazingly, the electrical outlet was no longer triggering my dowsing rods! There were still pockets of energy in the room though, so we pulled out some sage and crystals and proceeded to cleanse the room. (Yes, I did feel rather silly doing it). Afterwards, however, the corners were clear, too. The dowsing rods didn’t flicker. Amazing!!!
About a week later we connected with Anne to find out how her son was doing. She was thrilled to report that he had been sleeping peacefully without any complaints at all! She noticed another thing, too…for the very first time in the year-plus that they had been living there, the floor in her son’s room was warm. (Do dee do do, do dee do do…)
Do I expect you to believe any of this? Probably not. Looks pretty freaking crazy to me, too. I wouldn’t have believed any of it myself if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.
On the bright side, I can now list “ghostbusting” on my list of skills.
Do you have your own ghost story to share? I promise I’ll believe you!
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