Fridays I spend with my partner, the incomparable Helen Sladden. These are the days we take care of the nitty gritty around promoting and marketing the Trigger Release Method to other energy workers who may be interested in adding a new modality to their toolbox; as well we have clients come to see us where they, by virtue of having two practitioners working together, get a more intense TRM session, and we have the opportunity to learn more and gain an even deeper understanding of energy healing which we are then able to incorporate into the methodology.
This Friday was no different. We started the morning with a discussion of our next steps to market our upcoming workshop, scheduled for the beginning of January. Helen was a little resistant to using social media because she has never been comfortable with it, but having worked with her for so long, I knew she’d come around so I didn’t press. We moved onto other things and then our first client arrived.
Not far into the session, I could feel my lower back starting to bother me. I switched sitting position a few times, and that didn’t seem to help. I knew back problems had something to do with emotional support, so I quickly thought about recent events in my life, but since nothing had changed lately, I didn’t see what it could be. At one point I had to reach down to grab something off the floor and – “Ouch!” It hurt enough that I mentioned that my back had begun to trouble me; though not to worry, we could still finish the session and then I’d deal with it.
Once we were done, and our client had left, Helen began talking about social media and how she would work on getting over her resistance to it, as well as suggesting other avenues she could use to get our message out. I think she could see my mood brightening as we spoke, and after a few minutes she turned to me and asked, “how is your back now?”
Surprised at the question, I wiggled around in my chair a bit to find that my back pain was better! Unable to figure it out myself, I asked Helen, “what happened?”
Her response. “You weren’t feeling supported by me .”
She was right. Our discussion in the morning, while I didn’t consciously think it was bothering me, had knocked some of the wind out of my sails. I had felt like I was going to have to do extra work to compensate for her being unwilling to click on a “like” or two. My back was trying to let me know that I needed to take charge and address my feelings. Lucky for me, however, Helen saw it for me and provided the show of support I needed. Thanks, Helen!
Have you got lower back problems? Do you feel emotionally supported by all the people in your life? Or is there something lacking? Sometimes simply writing down your emotions is all your subconscious needs in order to release them. So, leave it in a comment…who knows how you’ll feel once you get it out of your system!
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