I’m exhausted!
Who knew running a crowdfunding campaign would be so tiring?
Before I get too far into into the behind-the-scenes of running the campaign, I first must say how thrilled I am that as of this moment we’re only a few dollars short of being at 50% of our goal, and we’ve still got 10 days to go. Yay!! My partner and I have been unbelievably humbled by the support we’ve received so far…family, friends, clients…the idea that we have touched the lives of so many and that they appreciate us so much that they are willing to provide not only emotional but financial support as well is truly incredible. We can barely express our gratitude.
If you didn’t read my last post , you may not be aware that I’m co-authoring a book! The manuscript is nearly complete and in order for us to be able to afford to publish it, we’ve launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds needed from the kindness and generosity of friends, family, and acquaintances who see merit in the work we’re doing and would like to see the end product, and/or who just have enough goodwill towards us to support us in something that is so very important in our lives.
Also if you haven’t read the last post , or the one previous to it, you might be surprised to hear that it is not in the field of dietetics or nutrition at all! Rather, it is a book on energy healing; specifically, a brand new methodology that my partner and I have developed ourselves.
As I was saying…boy am I tired! I’ll be honest with you, I don’t really have a knack for social media. I’m reasonably comfortable with Facebook, though I don’t generally spend a lot of time using it. Twitter completely confounds me…I feel like it’s geared towards people with ADD…with things moving so fast, it just hurts my brain! My life would be so much happier if I never saw another “hashtag” again! Don’t even get me started on Instagram, Pinterest, and I don’t even know what else is out there.
Go ahead. Call me a Luddite. You won’t be the first.
Successful crowdfunders know how to make use of social media. That means regular posts to gain momentum. Here’s the thing…I had no idea to what to post each day. Then I had an idea:
My book is on energy healing through our new methodology, the Trigger Release Method (TRM). My partner and I have spent the last year and a bit developing the methodology by working on many, many people. We’ve had some incredible successes. In anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, I’ve seen food and environmental intolerances eliminated; arthritis pains, back pains, and other pain issues disappear; fears and phobias vanish; lots of mental and emotional issues resolve; and much more. I’ve managed to gather enough testimonials to be able to post one for each day of the 30-day campaign, and so that is what I’m doing. (Not a bad idea, eh? If I do say so myself…)
There are currently 10 days left in the campaign, and 21 testimonials on the site. If you’re curious to know what TRM is all about, please take a look at the campaign page: www.triggerreleasemethod.pubslush.com. If you’ve worked with me already, then it’s possible you’ve already experienced TRM…if you liked what you saw, then I could really use your help. Heck, if you are willing to contribute a few dollars just because you like me , I’ll be grateful for that as well (probably more so!).
Finally, if you’re interested in trying a TRM session for yourself, I’d be more than happy to work with you! If you’re local (Mississauga or Etobicoke, Canada) then contact me and I’d be pleased to book a session with you. Once the campaign is complete (and I have some time to breathe!), I’ll be offering Skype sessions as well, so stay tuned for that!
One last time, here’s the campaign site: www.triggerreleasemethod.pubslush.com
Wish me luck!!!
Winner of "Best Alternative Medicine/Healing" in 2020
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