Is your mouth salivating at the thought?
Do you crave those sugary treats? Add that little extra sugar to your coffee? Use granola bars or digestive cookies as your between-meal snacks? Or do you go wild on fruit throughout the day?
If any of the above are true, it is possible that you have an intolerance to sugar !
An “intolerance” to something is an energetic term that is used to describe any way that your body doesn’t properly recognize or utilize that thing. The classic, most obvious intolerances are allergies, in which the body reacts right away to the substance as it tries to eliminate it from the system. Less obvious intolerances lead to signs and symptoms which one might not experience for days or weeks. To my mind, the most interesting way that intolerances may manifest is in how we emotionally respond to the substance…for foods in particular, intolerances may manifest as foods we love , foods we hate , or foods we crave.
I know it sounds odd to think of someone craving something they don’t like, but it does happen. I have had clients who didn’t love particular foods, but they craved them nonetheless. Or for a non-food, think of smokers who dislike cigarettes but crave them anyway. (Yes, that means that all types of addictions can be thought of as energetic intolerances.)
So, if a craving for a sugar intolerance may have an energetic component as a result of your subconscious trying to tell you something, what do you think it may be trying to say?
Sugar is sweet, right? When we crave sugar, (and when there is no physiological problem, as in a candida overgrowth) it is because your subconscious is trying to let to know that your life is lacking in sweetness…that something sweet is missing in your life.
I’ve actually seen this over and over again. For example, a session with one young lady revealed that her sugar cravings were the result of her sister, with whom she was very close, having eloped and abruptly leaving the family home.
And another was the result of a new mom having to go back to work after her maternity leave had ended. While she was happy to go back to work, she also missed that regular connection with her little one.
A sugar intolerance does not necessarily mean that you don’t currently see your life as “sweet,” but it implies that some sweetness was lost at some point, and you still, at some level, regret the loss.
So, if you’ve got a sweet tooth, take some time to think about where in your life some sweetness was taken away, and whether you still feel a twinge of sadness over it. If so, write out your feelings…get it out of your system…and then let it go. You might be pleasantly surprised at the result!
If you can’t do it on your own, then you may want to give Trigger Release a try. I’d be happy to help!
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