I’m counting down the days…10 more until I “officially” begin my new career as a Trigger Release Method practitioner.
I’m sure you must be wondering what on earth I must be thinking to be giving up my “respected” position as a dietitian for something that, I won’t argue, seems a bit nuts for most people. So, today I want to give you some insight into the reason I’ve fallen in love with this entirely new way of looking at the world, and it all has to do with understanding and appreciating the elegance and mystery of the subconscious…
The following is my very first case study in energy healing, the one which planted the seed of what was to eventually develop into the Trigger Release Method. It is an excerpt of the book Trigger Release: Returning to Wholeness written by myself and my co-author, Helen Sladden.
The Beginning:
C.G. is a lovely gentleman who came to me, hoping that as a BIE practitioner, I could help with his multiple food intolerances. There were a very limited number of foods that he could eat that didn’t give him phlegm or some other discomfort. The problem had been getting worse over the past few years, and he finally couldn’t ignore it anymore. Something had to be done.
Muscle testing with samples of food items revealed over forty different food intolerances. As a result of my experience with BIE so far, I suspected that addressing all 40 foods was likely going to take bi-weekly sessions for months. In that moment, I thought to myself, is there a simpler way? A little sheepishly, I asked C.G. if he was willing to allow me to try something I never had done before, a method that I had only just heard about. To my delight, he was a good sport and didn’t hesitate to say yes.
We picked up one of the vials, and through muscle testing, I asked if there was an emotional root cause to the intolerance. My heart skipped a beat when the response was “yes.” I continued on. Did a life event cause it? “Yes.” Using some lists of emotions, the precursor of the “Clues List” we use today, I asked for emotions that would help us identify the life event. We got just one – anger. More questions were needed to narrow it down. How long ago? “10 years.” Who was involved? Wife? “No.” Parents? “Yes.” Father? “No.” Mother? “Yes.” So you had an argument with your mother 10 years ago? “Yes.”
The light bulb went off. “That was the year I got married, and it was also the time I had this huge argument with my mother. Our family has always been vegetarian, and I told her that I had decided to eat meat.” There was no doubt in his mind that this was the argument in question. C.G. believed that he had let the anger and resentment of that argument go in the past, but truthfully, he had just buried it. As this was long before we had developed the Lessons List or knew about the Ego, Outside Influences, and all the rest, we simply spent some time discussing the event and releasing the anger that he had been holding onto. Once that was done, I asked his subconscious if there were any other emotional root causes we needed to address. Answer, “No.”
We then retested the vial that he had been holding onto and to the shock and awe of us both, it was testing strong!
We decided to do it again with another vial. But it was testing strong, too! In fact, all forty vials that had previously tested weak were all strong. I almost fell on the floor.
C.G. and I then pieced together what had happened. After he had had this argument with his mother so long ago, his intolerances started, but not all at once. Interestingly, the very first foods he had begun reacting too were meats.
Why would that be interesting? It shows us that the subconscious doesn’t do things randomly. It wanted C.G. to address the argument he had had with his mother, an argument about eating meat. Doesn’t it just make sense that the subconscious would get his attention by disturbing him every time he ate meat as a way for him to put two and two together? Unfortunately, it didn’t work, so his subconscious had to take more drastic steps. Over the years, in my opinion, it added intolerances to dairy, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and more, until ten years after the original incident, he couldn’t ignore the signs any longer. So he found me. Then, once we found the original cause, his subconscious, content now that it had delivered its message, no longer needed to send him signals. In an instant, all his food intolerances were gone.
It’s been over a year now since that day, and C.G.’s food intolerances have never returned.
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