For the past year and a half, I’ve been a closeted Spiritualist.
There, I said it. There’s no taking it back.
Why is this a big deal for me to say? Because I can only imagine what you are thinking of me right now. Because it’s what I would be thinking of me right now if I hadn’t seen and experienced what I have in the last couple of years. That is: “Really? I can’t believe she takes this hocus pocus mumbo jumbo seriously! If she believes in that, what other nonsense does she think? Anyone who utters such crazy-talk obviously has their head in the clouds and can’t possibly be very bright.”
I’ve already gotten a taste of this attitude already: when I’d mention this new interest to some friends or acquaintances, the conversation would rapidly get changed to something else; some of my closest friends would at least do me the courtesy of telling me outright how nuts they thought my new ideas were, and then patiently listen to me, amused smiles on on their faces, and forgive me this one defect in my personality because they’ve known me for so long. My own husband is troubled by this change in me as well, all the more so because of the expressions of pity he has started getting from his friends: “Poor guy, so sad his wife is such a head-case.”
Before all this, I myself was a resolute atheist, with little or no patience for spirituality or religion. I’m a scientist (for real! I have a degree in biochemistry) so without a reason to believe in something “divine” or “supernatural”, there is no way I would be convinced to do so. For me, nothing changes without proof.
So how did I get from there to here in such a short time? In a nutshell, I was convinced , little by little, kicking and screaming, struggling with my beliefs all the way. It wasn’t like some huge accident or trauma occurred, with me waking up to “see the Light”. It certainly wasn’t some supernatural experience or some such. It crept up on me very slowly in the beginning, gaining momentum as I started to understand more, to the point where now I don’t have any idea how far down this rabbit hole goes.
It started with an introduction to something called BIE (Bioenergetic Intolerance Elimination). Simple enough. I was taught that everything has energy (that’s not news) and as a result, each vibrates at a different frequency (also logical). The body happens to recognize substances not so much by their physical characteristics, but by their frequencies of vibration. (Little bit of a leap here). This was proven to me over and over again through something called biofeedback analysis (aka muscle testing ). This type of testing, with a remarkable degree of accuracy, can determine if a person has a mild, moderate, or severe intolerance to a substance (or none at all). Even more amazing was the theory that intolerances exist because the body has stopped recognizing the frequency of the substance, and through the BIE process, the body can be reintroduced to it. Sounded completely unbelievable to me, that is, until the process managed to relieve me of a long-standing soy intolerance in under 15 minutes.
A true scientist is a person who can have tightly held beliefs, but in the face of new information will re-evaluate what she knows to be true. The ego is not involved here; it is more far important to discover the Truth than it is to be proven wrong.
As unbelievable as BIE was, I couldn’t pretend that it didn’t work. My paradigm needed to shift. I needed to recognize that Energy played a role in healing. My new Truth was that we all have energy flowing through us, our Chi or Aura, if you will, and our interaction with the world had more to do with this energy than I could quite understand.
This was still very science-based: energy is science, right? You don’t need to believe in some kind of higher power to believe in energy. It was an understanding of energy that most people didn’t “get,” but I was totally comfortable with it.
Then I met Helen and things got strange in short order.
Helen is a Reiki Master (with a lot of other certifications, but that was the one for which I sought her out). A friend convinced me that I should learn Reiki with her, and despite my skepticism, I agreed, and I contacted Helen to teach it to us. While I don’t remember my initial thoughts on Reiki, Helen and I immediately clicked. We knew that somehow our different healing modalities were going to come together, so we started getting together weekly to explore putting together BIE and Reiki. During these weeks Helen and I would discuss the impact of emotions and stress on the development of disease, and I’d go back to my practice to discover that yes, indeed, most people developed a new issue immediately following some stress in their life. She tried to convince me that the new problem is just a message, the body’s way of pointing out an unresolved situation or trauma, and I would listen patiently, thinking that as much as I liked her, she really did hold some very strange beliefs.
Then I read an article written by another BIE practitioner, Kory Monteith, suggesting that intolerances could be cleared simply by using muscle testing to access the subconscious; if one is able to identify the root cause of the intolerance and address it, the intolerance resolves itself, obviating the need for the BIE machine. Hold it. Whaaaatt??? Isn’t that what Helen has been trying to tell me for the past few months? Intrigued, I called Kory up so she could explain to me her exact methodology. The next day at work I had a client with so many food intolerances that it would have taken me months to address them all, so I decided to test out Kory’s theory with him. Amazed was not a strong enough word to describe how I felt as muscle testing revealed the emotions, timeframe, and individuals involved in a life event that my client readily remembered; then after discussing the situation and releasing it from his system all of his food issues were completely resolved (and as of a year later, not returned).
So my paradigm had to shift again. I had just witnessed someone heal from 40 food intolerances in front of my eyes by simply figuring out what emotions were trapped in his psyche that needed to be released.
Helen and I later had a client with severe arthritis in her hands necessitating the use of 6 tylenols per day whose subconscious was so protective, we couldn’t access the life events in question because, we assume, it would have been too painful to discuss. We didn’t get anywhere with her that day. Helen, realizing in her wisdom that the life events themselves are not really important, but it’s what we learn from them that counts, asked the Universe what the lessons are that we are meant to learn, sat down at her computer, and proceeded to channel 52 life lessons. The next time that woman came back, we asked her subconscious if there was a lesson she was meant to learn and got an affirmative response. Once we finished anchoring the relevant lessons, her pain completely disappeared. She no longer takes any tylenol for her hands.
Paradigm shift. Now we are beings on this earth with the goal of learning the lessons life has to offer. This is the nature of spirituality. We are spiritual beings living in a physical “suitcase”.
If it were just these couple of cases, I might have been able to convince myself it didn’t really happen, but I see this kind of healing on a * daily * basis. Intolerances, pains, fears, phobias, and more, gone in a matter of a few minutes. Things that a few years ago I would have considered nothing short of miraculous are (while no less thrilling each time), almost routine. There really is no turning back.
I’m coming out with all this now because my “public persona” is about to change, and I need to explain why. I can no longer pretend to be the same person I used to be. I have been on a blogging hiatus as I sorted out what was important to me and what I wanted to say. For my clients, readers, family, and friends, this is my way of making it official.
I can no longer talk about calories and weight loss without focussing on the fact that emotions, and belief systems have a huge impact on whether, on a deeper level, we feel safe enough to let the weight go.
How about sugar cravings? Your body is telling you it is lacking something sweet. What is it missing?
Or even something as seemingly straightforward as an iron deficiency is not necessarily so straightforward…what is your body trying to say to you if it is incapable of absorbing such a key nutrient?
Yes, of course, proper diet plays a huge, vital role in achieving optimal health (I haven’t forgotten that!), but some problems just run deeper than food alone.
I have always been respected for my intelligence and my down-to-earth, practical nature, and I have taken pride in that. I didn’t just change my mind overnight; I haven’t been possessed by some alien being; I haven’t been brainwashed by a cult; and deep down I’m still that same, intelligent, down-to-earth person I always was, but with a deeper understanding of the world than I used to have. I really hope I haven’t lost your respect, but here’s the bottom line: if all of this makes you uncomfortable, then unsubscribe; if not, then look forward to hearing about the world from a whole new perspective.
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