The FDA is moving to ban them!!!
About this time last year, I wrote a post entitled Good news on the Cholesterol Front , a summary of a couple of studies that had come out, both of which indicated that cholesterol numbers were coming down for the first time in 20 years, and both of which reached the conclusion that this was due to reductions in trans fat consumption over the past decade.
For more details on how and why overall trans fat intake appears to have gone down, you can read my earlier blog post.
Today I’m very pleased to announce that the FDA (the American institution that regulates foods and food additives in the United States) has – finally! – caught up with all the scientific evidence out there and decided to remove the GRAS (“generally recognized as safe”) label on trans fats, effectively banning them from use in the US.
Good on the United States for making this important move to protect the health of its citizens! It is estimated that the removal of trans fats from the supply will prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths yearly.
What’s Canada’s government doing? Hmmm….pretty much the same as last year, which is to say, nothing. (Aside: as on more than one occasion before, I’m biting my tongue to prevent completely venting on how furious I am at our current government’s use of Health Canada to protect the financial “health” of Canada’s big businesses, and not the health of Canadians themselves.)
But what does the FDA ban mean for Canada? Lots! Food manufacturing in the US is big business, and if food companies are now being required to reformulate their products to remove trans fat for the American market, it just makes sense that, instead of producing separate products to ship to Canada, we’ll receive the reformulated products as well. I expect the same to work for Canadian brands that ship to the US. This is excellent news!
Trans fats are gradually being banned all over the world. With the US having made this remarkable step, it’s just a matter of time before Canada does the same.
I, for one, can’t wait!
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