Ask yourself this question: do you want to be healthy or not? If you answered yes (which I hope you did!), then I have a more important question for you to answer: how important is it to you to be healthy?
And what does it mean to you to be healthy? Is it simply living a long life? There are pills and surgeries and respirators for that. But is that good enough for you? Is that how you really want to live? Or do you want freedom from disease? A life free from diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, gallstones, cancer, yeast infections, colds, flues, osteoporosis, gout, constipation…the list is virtually endless. Free from pain. Free from medications. Full mobility. Strength. Stamina.
I know that there are some genetic conditions that we cannot avoid, and physical traumas the we cannot anticipate, but so much of what ails us is directly within our control.
You might ask what’s got me thinking about this. I was recently asked to respond to a reader question in Canadian Business Magazine . The article only covered part of my answer because it also only covered part of the question. Here was the full question:
“If I get a big chocolate bunny for Easter, am I better to eat it all at
once or to spread it over several days? I’m thinking my body won’t absorb
some of the calories if I eat all the chocolate at the same time. Note:
Sharing or throwing out the chocolate is not an option.”
The question itself didn’t surprise me…many people wonder if they can fool their bodies so they can eat whatever they want without paying the price. It was the part about not having the option to share or discard the chocolate that bothered me, and still bothers me now because it is the more important issue, and I was dismayed that it did not get published. Here was my response:
“You always have options. Sure, a one-time overdose on a chocolate bunny doesn’t cause diabetes, but regular consumption of high-sugar foods will do so in the long run. If you knew that at this particular event, you’d be making the choice between “share or throw out” or “get diabetes”, what would you choose? Only you can take responsibility for your health, and that may involve making choices that make other people upset. Every single time you make a choice over what to put in your mouth, you are choosing between health and sickness. How many times do you risk choosing sickness before sickness chooses you ?”
I’ll repeat the important part: How many times do you risk choosing sickness before sickness chooses you?
This is your life. Not your grandmother’s or your husband’s or your friend’s or your coworker’s or anybody else who is important to you. Nobody can make you sick. And by the same token, nobody can make you healthy. It’s your choice , every time.
Choosing health is easy. But only if you want it enough. Choosing sickness is also easy. Especially if you don’t care about yourself enough.
Over the next several weeks, I plan to go over all the elements of good health. I want you to know what the choices are. I want you to know which choices lead to sickness, and which lead to health. I’ll tell you now that the path of least resistance is the one that leads to sickness. It’s too easy to eat poorly, and not exercise, and live with constant stress. Many topics I’ve discussed before, but they are worth repeating. And all are important.
I’m looking forward to this. I hope you are, too!
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