A couple of weeks ago, Coca-Cola™ put out a video entitled “Coming Together” to tout all the wonderful things that they have been doing to play their part in combating the obesity epidemic. It doesn’t really deserve to be viewed because of all the misrepresentation of facts going on, but I’ve included it at the bottom in case you’re curious.
A word to the wise at the Coca-Cola™: if your very existence is part of the problem, don’t try to convince us that you’re actually part of the solution. Enough people know better, and your attempt will only backfire!
I’m playing my role in the backfire attempt.
I’ve mentioned on several occasions my opinion on the role of excess sugar in the obesity epidemic, and in particular, the sugar from sweetened beverages including soft drinks, iced teas etc. In a nutshell, excess sugar in our diets is causing huge fluctuations in North American’s blood sugar levels, which in turn impact hunger, and drive obesity. For a more in-depth discussion, please see my posts Is Sugar Toxic?: Part 1 and Part 2. As well, I’ve addressed the problem about soft drinks specifically in another post.
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) wasted no time to set the record straight on Coca-Cola’s™ misleading advertising in this parody of the original ad, “translating” corporate-speak into an explanation of the facts. Entertaining and informative at the same time. Well worth viewing.
A few months back, CSPI also put out a powerful video that (somewhat graphically!) demonstrated the harsh consequences of a diet heavily reliant on sugary beverages, called “The Real Bears”. Check it out here.
In addition, another person going by the name “John Pemberton” (the name of the original creator of Coca-Cola™) has put together his own parody of Coca-Cola’s™ video with the title “The Honest Coca-Cola Obesity Commercial” Another very good video, well worth the 2 minutes to view it.
I really feel strongly that people really don’t understand how much of a problem excess sugar really is, so I ask you to please share this post widely. Even if it curbs a little bit of soda consumption for a few people, it will make a big difference in the long run.
Thank you!
And here’s the original:
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