Ugh! If I see one more news article or yet another blog post lamenting the loss of “our beloved Twinkie,” I think I’m going to scream!
In case you’re unaware, earlier this week, in part due to a messy labour dispute, but mostly due to years of management missteps in the day-to-day operations of the company, Hostess Brands in Texas officially filed for bankruptcy and is closing it’s bakery operations, which includes labels like Twinkies, Ho Hos, and Wonder Bread; these are now up for sale.
Since that time, Americans all over have been weeping over the demise of the Twinkie; even health bloggers I’ve read are calling it as sad day, as they reminisce over consuming Twinkies in their youth. The day the announcement came out, Americans cleared the shelves of grocery stores of Twinkies and other Hostess products. Go on E-bay right now and you’ll find individuals trying to sell boxes of them for upwards of $30 for a package of 10. What’s sad to me is that there are people out there who are willing to buy them.
I read that people are so upset because Twinkies are an “iconic American brand”; they have been around for so long (since 1930) that it’s hard to imagine America without it’s Twinkies; with the demise of the Twinkie goes a little bit of their childhoods; and on and on. There’s currently even a Facebook page dedicated to “Save the Twinkie” with over 19000 followers!
While I’m sorry about the fate of Hostess itself – the loss of additional jobs in this economy is nothing to make light of – but the loss of the Twinkie is not something I would shed any tears over. The Twinkie is a white flour, sugar and fat concoction completely devoid of nutritional value beyond calories. If that is “iconic America” then I think it’s about time that America developed some new symbols to represent it.
From what I can see, the Twinkie represents America at it’s worst. It is the purest representation of processed food. When I spend time blogging over the toxic effects of sugar , and the resulting blood sugar roller coaster that is driving the twin obesity and diabetes epidemics, I can point to the Twinkie. When I am forced to conclude that we need to take supplements in order to be healthy in today’s society, in part because of the reduced quality of food being produced and consumed, the Twinkie again is a bright shining star leading us to the land of poor health.
I can’t think of a single reason why I shouldn’t be rejoicing that there’s one less sugary, fattening, addicting, non-food, processed concoction on our grocery store shelves. So to those of you who love your Twinkies, take heart – you will get over the loss and your body will thank you for it. Unless you find a replacement. Or you come to Canada ; (fortunately? for Canadians) the rights to the Hostess Twinkie brand in Canada are owned by the company Saputo Inc. whose production is completely unaffected by the events transpiring in the US.
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