The Dark Knight Rises
comes out today and in honour of this event, my husband suggested that I should do a blog post on it.This one’s for you, Andrew!
The rules for a healthy diet are the same for everyone , Batman included. The only difference is that, for athletes, a few adjustments need to be made to compensate for specific needs.
For example, an endurance athlete (eg. marathon runner) would, in the days before a big race, be required to taper off training to give his body a chance to build up his glycogen stores (generally known as carbohydrate-loading). This athlete would eat differently on training days versus off days, and in the pre-event days, a more carbohydrate-rich diet would be consumed. Does this fit Batman’s profile? Let’s think this through…Batman is very strong and agile, and is required to use these skills for short periods of time on a regular basis. So no, he’s not an endurance athlete.
Batman is essentially a high-performance athlete who needs to train for hours each day in order to keep up his skills; and he can’t afford to have a state of low energy because he needs to be able to pick up and go on short notice. In his case, proper nutrition at all times of the day is crucial. I’m afraid sugary desserts and concentrated sweets are out…they would have him on a high for a short while, then crashing an hour later.
Any individual undergoing regular training is going to have to be very careful about what he or she eats, and when. A highly muscular body is going to be going through calories fast and furious; regular meals and snacks are going to be essential in order to keep the energy up. No skipping meals allowed.
Breakfast always has been the most important meal of the day, but for an athlete, it will be even more so. While sleeping for several hours, the body has been utilizing its stores of energy; liver glycogen (glucose) stores have been depleted, and blood sugar is as low as it will be all day. This is the time to refuel and get a jumpstart for the day.
A balanced breakfast including complex carbohydrates, protein, and fruit would be ideal. A high-fibre cereal with milk and berries? Some whole grain toast with eggs and a banana? These would provide the sugar needed to replace those tapped out stores while providing sustained energy throughout the morning. I’ll assume Batman trains right after breakfast. Before a training session, it is even more important to make sure he’s consuming easily digested, complex carbohydrate; this will keep him from flagging during his workout.
After the workout, a recovery drink should be consumed within about 20 minutes in order to trigger the replenishment of glycogen stores and the building of muscle. It is recommended that the snack contain about 4g carb to 1g protein. Chocolate milk is a new favourite among athletes as it naturally hits this optimal ratio.
After this, a proper mid-morning snack would be needed. Again, some carbohydrate and protein would be ideal to keep blood sugars optimal. Crackers and cheddar? Fruit and yogurt parfait? Enough to keep him going until lunch.
A balanced lunch with starch, protein and vegetables would be perfect. Some pasta with meatballs and a hearty salad would keep his energy levels up. Or a turkey sandwich with cheese and grilled vegetables on the side. Maybe a chicken stir-fry on quinoa. There are lots of possibilities. The key is still to have several food groups represented, including lots of vegetables to provide all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants he needs to stay strong and healthy.
Another snack with carbs and protein should follow a few hours later, and then a dinner similar to the lunch meal.
I haven’t listed portion sizes or calories. It is quite possible that Batman, with his intense training schedule, could be consuming up to 6000 calories a day. Portion sizes would have to be quite large at meals and snacks to accommodate, and his food would likely need to be prepared with a fair amount of heart-healthy fats, such as olive & canola oils, or nuts and seeds to make up the difference. And with that number of calories, he is sure to get all the protein he needs if he keeps his meals balanced properly, and including some protein at each meal and snack.
Depending on when Batman is called to duty, he should be stocked up with snacks on the go. I can imagine a stash of protein bars in the glove box of the Batmobile.He’ll need to be alert to battle the next evil villain. Can’t do that well with low blood sugar.
And don’t forget proper hydration! Batman should be drinking lots of water throughout the day. Even very slight dehydration leads to impaired athletic performance.
For the rest of us mere mortals, the pattern still holds true. Just scale it down for the number of calories you need for the day. If you’re planning to live the life of Batman, now you know what to do!
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